Quisque fringilla scelerisque

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget nulla eu erat semper vulputate. Praesent nec nisi feugiat, ultrices elit maximus, porta est. Integer et augue in sem accumsan lobortis id vel nibh. Maecenas nulla augue, gravida ullamcorper mauris id, placerat egestas nisi. Vestibulum vel fringilla felis, vehicula cursus diam. Phasellus finibus sodales erat at consectetur. Quisque eleifend, quam vitae volutpat lobortis, ipsum sapien fringilla diam, eu consequat ipsum eros eget lorem. Fusce vel nunc turpis. Nullam vel viverra neque. Ut tristique nisi lectus, ac aliquet sapien vehicula et. Donec aliquet pellentesque orci, a fermentum justo mattis non. Mauris malesuada ex id suscipit malesuada. Donec ullamcorper nunc ligula. Integer efficitur sem non commodo finibus.

Nam non felis faucibus, euismod nibh eu, accumsan odio. Cras tincidunt fringilla mauris, a ullamcorper enim vestibulum vitae. Sed id sapien in erat consequat sodales quis sit amet tellus. Aenean id neque posuere, condimentum felis ut, lacinia diam. Maecenas lobortis hendrerit magna ac faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Donec vel ante ut tortor ultrices ultricies sit amet et orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis risus ante, facilisis ac dui ut, dignissim semper elit. Fusce interdum enim ac mi tincidunt ultrices sed eu quam. Aenean venenatis volutpat odio, ac condimentum erat tempus molestie.

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To provide you with a Free Pass to visit our facilities, please send us a message through the following form.
We will be in contact with you very soon to confirm the date.


GYM Security Protocols: Covid-19

At the moment due to the pandemic and for everyone’s safety, we must comply with the following protocol::

  1. Reserve your session since we are only operating at 50% of installed capacity.
  2. Upon arrival, use the thermometer and antibacterial gel that we are going to provide. If your temperature is higher than 37.5 you will not be able to enter the facilities.
  3. When passing through reception, we will ask for your name in order to register your visit in the system.
  4. We will request that before and after using any device, you sanitize it with the sprays that are distributed throughout the gym.
  5. Please keep a safe distance at all times.
  6. During your stay at the facilities you should always wear the mask correctly.